Words that Changed ‘My World'
Words, Words, Words, Words, Words… WORDS are Inescapable!!!!!
We are surrounded (inundated, bombarded, overwhelmed, engulfed) with words, everywhere we go, and with everyone we meet. Even in the absence of people and silence; we still continue to hear, listen, and allow the ‘Words in our Thoughts’ to shape how we think, speak, and act.
Beautiful words can be uplifting: however, words can cut deep and change your entire world in an instant.
Words that have been spoken to me, over me, and the lies I had believed about myself in my thoughts…. Blamed by others, Not Vulnerable, Busy, Not Fun, No Emotions, Put everyone else first, Not able to relax, Keep people at a distance, Performance, Not present, Not appreciated, Controlling people and circumstances, Competition, Connection issues...
...then my spouse of 27 years tells me "I don’t see myself with you for the next 20-30 years!" These words cut through to the very depths of me!
The question I asked him daily, “Do you feel any different?” The next day the same question and this went on for over 40 days!!! The answer came back the same every time, “No, I don't feel any different and I am sorry to hurt you" he said.
The WORDS hurt me, I wanted to DO something, anything, to make it all disappear and for ‘My World’ to come back into order...so I could finish and enjoy life the way “I” had planned.
I had no feeling, numb to life and the world around me…Life as I knew it in the past and what I hoped it would look like in the future was quickly jerked away from me. I was at the lowest point of my life---I questioned myself—what could I DO for others to like me, not reject me?
Was I going to believe the words that I had 'lived' the past 48 years OR choose to live another way...
What words and lies have you believed and allowed to shape you into who you have become?