Negative things have happened in my life that deeply impacted me. Others got blamed for and in trouble, because of me not being truthful to them or others. I isolated myself from friends and I am sure it caused them to dislike me. However, for whatever reason I was always chosen first, to be a leader, an example of the best.
But deep inside I knew I was living a lie at school, at home, and in the community. I thought I was living the best, but in actuality I was very deceitful. Years of my life were lived given over to lies and manipulation masked in religion and doing what was right.
WHY, was I liked or thought I was liked by many, but did not like myself. I disconnected myself from my feelings, family and faith. Disobedience, disrespect, deception was in me--it was me. I closed my heart, my emotions and feelings off to myself and my family at their expense.
All my life I cared for and worked for others and now tired and weary with the whirlwind of life and the whirlwind of words that I allowed to control me. I wanted out, but I was stuck! WHY? WHY ME?
When I chose to begin this journey it took days to “breakthrough” to feel my feelings and acknowledge that I had some deep, dark places that needed to be brought to light, things that I had pushed back in my mind, and did not want to remember. Painful words, memories and times in my life that had shaped me into the person I had become.
I had to face my excuses...of failure. I could have done better, however, due to circumstances, I was forced and have been forced to be in survival mode.
I had to face my issues...of being guarded. I have been deceitful “to look good” and appear be okay in the eyes of my family, church, and community.
I had to face my feelings...of disappointment. I have been overwhelemed by one let down after another.
I had to face my expectations…of the future. I have thoughts of how things would go and flow in my life and believed things would have changed by now.
When I began to allow myself to recall these areas of my life—I wept and wept-- I began to see all the negative things that had deeply impacted me. It was if I had been blind, deaf and desensitized all of my life up unto this point of my life.
And the crazy, bizarre thing to think about now is that I was a “grown” woman according to the world’s standards. I was a well-educated, productive, and overall great person. I have a Master’s degree in Education, fed, clothed and tried to the best of my ability to take care of 6 other humans and myself for 27 years of my life.
However, in hindsight, I stopped becoming and growing into who I was intended to become a long, long, time ago. When I realized and was awakened to my dark places effecting me now- I wanted to change, I longed to make the choice to change. I was tired, sick and tired of doing the same things the same way and thinking things would change.
What painful areas of your life do you need to uncover and acknowledge? Are you ready for a Breakthrough?